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Leading Change With A Small Fashion Business by Seth Godin


LISTEN HERE: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY ..but it has always been small businesses that have contagious ideas that changed the fashion industry.They changed what the fashion industry makes and they change how the fashion industry makes it. I’ve always wanted to hear Seth Godin’s perspective on the power of small businesses to create change in the fashion industry […]

A simple solution to quickly fix a seemingly simple problem?

obsession with quick fix to solve environment problem

We are obsessed with finding a simple solution to quickly fix a seemingly simple problem. This is often what we do in our attempts to address environmental problems. I’ve always naively thought that breeding wild salmon in hatcheries was one of those simple miracle solutions to preserve disappearing species.  Wild salmons are fascinating creatures: the […]

What story images of “successful business”​ are telling us?


Lately, I’ve asked business founders on my podcast to share with our listeners their definition of a “successful business”. And I am really grateful to each of them for showing us that success could be defined in so many differentways.  The main commonality in the answers from my guests is that success is coming from a place of love […]